(All times are GMT)
7:00-8:30am David Orrego-Carmona (Aston University)
Limits and possibilities of eye tracking in subtitle-reading research
8:30-10:00am Bianca Prandi (University of Mainz)
10:00-11:30am Esther Bond (Slator)
Human-in-the-loop translation in action
30 min break
12:00am-1:30pm Frédéric Blain (University of Wolverhampton)
Quality Estimation for Machine Translation
1:30-3:00pm Tharindu Ranasinghe Hettiarachchige (University of Wolverhampton)
Multilingual MT Quality Estimation
3:00-4:30pm Clara Ginovart Cid (Datawords)
Drill the three post-editing skills
30 min break
5:00-6:30pm Moritz Schaeffer (University of Mainz)
How to study Error Recognition during Post-editing
6:30-8:00pm Félix do Carmo (University of Surrey)
Is automatic post-editing the end of the line for the “human-in-the-loop”?
6th July TRITON
(All times are GMT)
6:45-7:00am: Opening
Prof Ruslan Mitkov, Dr Vilelmini Sosoni, Julie Giguère, Elena Murgolo and Elizabeth Deysel
7:00-8:00am KEYNOTE SESSION 1
Stephen Doherty (University of New South Wales, Sydney)
Psychological and cognitive advances in translation and interpreting technologies
Parallel Session 1: Evaluation metrics for Machine Translation
Despoina Mouratidis, Maria Stasimioti, Vilelmini Sosoni and Katia Lida Kermanidis
NoDeeLe: A Novel Deep Learning Schema for Evaluating Neural Machine Translation Systems
Hadeel Saadany and Constantin Orasan
BLEU, METEOR, BERTScore: Evaluation of Metrics Performance in Assessing Critical Translation Errors in Sentiment-oriented Text
Parallel Session 2: Cognitive aspects of interpreting
Francesco Saina
Remote Interpreting: Platform Testing in a University Setting
Dora Murgu
Approaching stress and performance in RSI: proposal for action to take back control
9:00-10:00am KEYNOTE SESSION 2
Adam LaMontagne (RWS)
Getting meta with MT metadata: how to extract value from the process of MT processing
10:00-10:30am Coffee break
10:30-11:30am KEYNOTE SESSION 3
Elsa Sklavounou (RWS)
What a future talent would say about translation automation?
Parallel Session 3: Named Entity Recognition and Resources for Machine Translation
Maria Carmela Cariello, Alessandro Lenci and Ruslan Mitkov
A comparison between named entity recognition models in the biomedical domain
Ali Hatami, Ruslan Mitkov and Gloria Corpas Pastor
A Case Study of Cross-lingual Named Entity Recognition via FastAlign
Irene Rivera-Trigueros and María-Dolores Olvera-Lobo
Building a Corpus for Corporate Websites Machine Translation Evaluation. A Step by step Methodological Approach
Parallel Session 4: Interpreting Technology/Text-to-sign translation/Translation memories
Susana Rodriguez, Roberto Gretter, Marco Matassoni, Alvaro Alonso, Oscar Corcho, Mariano Rico and Falavigna Daniele
SmarTerp: a CAI System to Support Simultaneous Interpreters in real-time
Floris Roelofsen, Lyke Esselink, Shani Mende-Gillings and Anika Smeijers
Sign Language Translation in a Healthcare Setting
Khaled Ben Milad
A Comparison of the Word Similarity Measurement in English-Arabic Translation Memory Segment Retrieval including an Inflectional Affix Intervention
1:00-2:00pm KEYNOTE SESSION 4
Florian Faes (Slator)
Inside the USD 25 Billion Global Language Industry
2:00-3:00pm Lunch break
3:00-4:00pm KEYNOTE SESSION 5
Marcello Federico (Amazon)
Challenges and Progress in Automatic Dubbing
4:00-5:00pm KEYNOTE SESSION 6
André Martins (Unbabel)
Human-Aided Translation and Quality Estimation
5:00-6:00pm KEYNOTE SESSION 7
Sabine Braun (University of Surrey)
Advancing research on distance interpreting for the post-pandemic age
6:00-6:30pm Coffee break
6:30-7:30pm KEYNOTE SESSION 8
Fabio Alves (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte)
Translation process research at the interface with human-computer interaction: challenges and perspective
Parallel Brainstorming/Poster Session 1: MT for low resourced languages/MT for translating of subtitles
Victoria Firsanova
Karelian Machine Translation
Lucía Bellés-Calvera and Rocío Caro Quintana
Audiovisual Translation through NMT and Subtitling in the Netflix Series ‘Cable Girls’
Parallel Poster Session 2: NLP projects
Lígia Venturott and Ruslan Mitkov
Fake News Detection for Portuguese with Deep Learning
Anne Eschenbrücher
What makes a concept complex? Measuring conceptual complexity as a precursor for text simplification
7th July TRITON
(All times are GMT)
Parallel Poster Session 3: Post-editing efforts/automatic post-editing
Rocío Caro Quintana
Integration of Machine Translation and Translation Memory: Post-editing efforts
Marie Escribe and Ruslan Mitkov
Interactive Models for Post-Editing
Parallel Poster Session 4: Multiword expressions in MT/MT training
Yves Bestgen
Using CollGram to Compare Formulaic Language in Human and Machine Translation
Gema Ramírez-Sánchez, Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz, Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Caroline Rossi, Dorothy Kenny, Riccardo Superbo, Pilar Sánchez-Gijón and Olga Torres-Hostench
MultiTraiNMT: training materials to approach neural machine translation from scratch
8:00-9:00am KEYNOTE SESSION 9
Rico Sennrich (University of Zürich)
How Contextual is Neural Machine Translation?
9:00-10:00am KEYNOTE SESSION 10
Rosanna Villani (European Central Bank)
The changing profile of the translator profession at the European Central Bank – how translators mastered the digital transformation
10:00-10:30am Coffee break
10:30-11:30am KEYNOTE SESSION 11
Elena Davitti (University of Surrey)
Hybrid practices for real-time interlingual communication via speech recognition: the SMART project
11:30am-12:30pm KEYNOTE SESSION 12
Stephanie Labroue (Systran)
Monetize your linguistic assets: Train your own MT Model!
12:30-1:30pm KEYNOTE SESSION 13
Josef van Genabith (German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence)
MMPE Multi-Modal Interface Support for Post-Editing
Presentation of the Organising Committee
1:45-3:00pm Lunch break
3:00-4:00pm KEYNOTE SESSION 14
William D. Lewis (University of Washington and Microsoft Translator)
Speech Translation in Education: Use and Impacts
4:00-5:00pm KEYNOTE SESSION 15
Gloria Corpas Pastor (University of Malaga)
Interpreting and technology: is the sky really the limit?
5:00-6:00pm KEYNOTE SESSION 16
Konstantin Savenkov (Intento)
Machine Translation Today and Tomorrow: A Retrospective and a Look at the Future
6:00-6:30pm Coffee break
Parallel Session 5: Post-editing and post-editing applications
Viveta Gene
The Post-Editing Workflow: Training Challenges for LSPs, Post-Editors and Academia
Martha Maria Papadopoulou, Anna Zaretskaya and Ruslan Mitkov
Benchmarking ASR systems based on post-editing effort and error analysis
Parallel Session 6: Online translation courses/Localisation
Miguel A. Jimenez-Crespo
Feedback in online translation courses and the Covid Era
Parthena Charalampidou
The use of corpora in an interdisciplinary approach to localisation
7:30-8:30pm KEYNOTE SESSION 17
Lynne Bowker (University of Ottawa)
Machine translation use outside the language industries
8:30pm: Closing
Prof Ruslan Mitkov, Dr Vilelmini Sosoni, Julie Giguère, Elena Murgolo and Elizabeth Deysel